Indonesian Team won third place at the 40th International Snow Sculpture
Contest held in Sapporo from 5 to 8 February 2013. Sculpture artists
Mr. Nyoman Sungada, Mr. Ketut Kaler and Mr. Sapto Hudoyo of Bali and
Jakarta presented “Balinese Dancers” as their piece of artworks at the
Eleven international participants competed at this year contest, with Thailand and Finland got the first and second prize respectively. The international contest is part of the annual “Sapporo Snow Festival” that has been held by the City of Sapporo since 1950. In the last four years, the seven-day event attracted more than 2 million foreign and domestic visitors.
The team faced quite a challenge before sending their artists to Sapporo, shared Agustono Gentari, the team manager, who did not come to Sapporo with the team.
"We always wanted to give our best in Sapporo. Finding the fund (to come to Japan) is quite difficult, because we had to compete in Harbin-China first, then Sapporo, but our team gave our best despite the circumstances," he said in his electronic mail to the Embassy. In Sapporo, the three sculptors had to brave the cold and even snow blizzard, like on the last day of the contest.
On that day, the team met with Ambassador Muhammad Lutfi, who greeted them at the site and extended his supports. He also hoped that Indonesia could increase its presence in Sapporo Snow Festival next year through cultural, culinary and tourism promotion, considering a great number of visitors in Sapporo during the festival.
Before meeting the team, Ambassador Lutfi also met with the Honorary Consul in Sapporo, Mr Masatsugu Sasaki, who also expressed his awe in this year's design of Indonesian team to the Ambassador.
"I am also confident that Indonesia will win this year. It's a beautiful sculpture," he praised. In 2011, Indonesia team got 5th place with Bimasena sculpture, whilst last year they created a snow sculpture of a woman weaving a 'Cual' textile which earned them 6th place. (KBRI Tokyo/pen)
Eleven international participants competed at this year contest, with Thailand and Finland got the first and second prize respectively. The international contest is part of the annual “Sapporo Snow Festival” that has been held by the City of Sapporo since 1950. In the last four years, the seven-day event attracted more than 2 million foreign and domestic visitors.
The team faced quite a challenge before sending their artists to Sapporo, shared Agustono Gentari, the team manager, who did not come to Sapporo with the team.
"We always wanted to give our best in Sapporo. Finding the fund (to come to Japan) is quite difficult, because we had to compete in Harbin-China first, then Sapporo, but our team gave our best despite the circumstances," he said in his electronic mail to the Embassy. In Sapporo, the three sculptors had to brave the cold and even snow blizzard, like on the last day of the contest.
On that day, the team met with Ambassador Muhammad Lutfi, who greeted them at the site and extended his supports. He also hoped that Indonesia could increase its presence in Sapporo Snow Festival next year through cultural, culinary and tourism promotion, considering a great number of visitors in Sapporo during the festival.
Before meeting the team, Ambassador Lutfi also met with the Honorary Consul in Sapporo, Mr Masatsugu Sasaki, who also expressed his awe in this year's design of Indonesian team to the Ambassador.
"I am also confident that Indonesia will win this year. It's a beautiful sculpture," he praised. In 2011, Indonesia team got 5th place with Bimasena sculpture, whilst last year they created a snow sculpture of a woman weaving a 'Cual' textile which earned them 6th place. (KBRI Tokyo/pen)
Sebanyak 70 orang pemuda yang berasal dari sejumlah negara akan menetap di Indonesia untuk mempelajari seni dan budaya Indonesia.
“Kementerian Luar Negeri RI pada tahun 2013 kembali memberikan Beasiswa Seni dan Budaya Indonesia (Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship/IACS). Beasiswa tersebut merupakan salah satu bentuk soft-power diplomacy yang
dilakukan oleh Pemerintah RI dalam menciptakan citra positif Indonesia
di kalangan masyarakat internasional yang dilakukan oleh Kemlu RI
melalui pendekatan people-to-people contact, jelas Plh. Direktur Diplomasi Publik Kementerian Luar negeri RI, Diah W. M. Rubianto.
Beasiswa Seni dan Budaya Indonesia (BSBI) tahun 2013, Kemlu RI akan
mengadakan dua program yakni BSBI Reguler dan BSBI Kekhususan yang
diselenggarakan mulai akhir Mei hingga awal September 2013. BSBI Reguler
merupakan program beasiswa
yang akan diberikan kepada 60 pemuda warga negara asing dari sejumlah
negara untuk mempelajari seni pertunjukan tradisional Indonesia. “Peserta BSBI akan belajar seni tradisional Indonesia di salah satu sanggar seni di Bandung, Solo, Surabaya, Bali, dan Makassar. Disamping belajar kesenian, para peserta juga akan diperkenalkan dengan kehidupan bermasyarakat di Indonesia termasuk local wisdom masyarakat setempat,” lanjut Diah.
Program BSBI Kekhususan merupakan sebuah tailor-made program yang diberikan kepada sepuluh pemuda asing yang memiliki garis keturunan darah Indonesia. Pada 2013, program BSBI Kekhususan bertemakan ‘Indonesian Studies for Indonesian Diaspora’. Para peserta BSBI Kekhususan akan mempelajari
Bahasa Indonesia serta mengenal perkembangan ekonomi dan sosial politik
di Indonesia, termasuk mengenai kerukunan umat beragama, pemberantasan
korupsi, pengembangan demokrasi serta penegakan hak asasi manusia di
Indonesia. “Rencananya BSBI Kekhususan akan diselenggarakan bekerjasama dengan salah satu universitas di Yogyakarta,” ujar Diah.
acara puncak sekaligus penutupan program BSBI 2013, seluruh peserta
BSBI rencananya akan mempresentasikan pengetahuan serta keahlian yang
telah mereka pelajari selama mengikuti program BSBI dalam sebuah
pagelaran seni akbar bertajuk ‘Indonesian Channel’ yang akan diselenggarakan bekerjasama dengan Pemerintah Kota Surabaya pada tanggal 7 September 2013 di Surabaya.
BSBI telah diberikan setiap tahun oleh Pemerintah Indonesia sejak tahun 2003, dan hingga tahun 2012 telah diikuti oleh 449 peserta dari 47 negara. “Seluruh warga negara asing yang pernah mengikuti program BSBI di Indonesia telah menjadi ‘friend of Indonesia’ yang
hingga kini terus aktif membantu Perwakilan RI mempromosikan seni dan
budaya Indonesia di masing-masing negara asal peserta. Bagi mahasiswa indonesia yang berminat dapat melamar dan mengunduh aplikasinya di website kemlu," ungkap Diah menutup penjelasannya. (sumber: Dit. Diplomasi Publik Kementerian Luar Negeri RI)
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